Sunday, April 8, 2018

I started to edit...

I started to edit and its not turning out how I hoped.

The flow of the story is a little off.  It is hard to follow. I guess when I shot it, it looked simple for me, probably because I wrote it. but for other people it needs to be explained. I need to think of a way to “spoon feed” the information to the viewers without making it to cheesy. 

All the audio is pretty good. This is surprising because the microphone I used wasn’t that great but it got the job done. 

Thats about it.

The End 


Friday, April 6, 2018

Today I finnished up filming...

Today I finished up filming.

All the audio is very clear and I’m comfortable that the shots would come together to create a fluent story. 

I am concerned that some of the joke I made aren’t going to come out as funny, just stupid, but thats okay. Stupid humor is what I’m going for. 

That’s pretty much it. 

The End 


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Before I film...

Before I film I wanted to lay out all my equipment on my blog. 

My main camera I would be using is my DSLR. It it’s a cannon t6i. I think it’s a pretty good camera and will be able to capture what I need for my film. The lens that came with the camera isn’t very good so I bought a new one. A Tamron 18-200mm lens. It’s great for depth of field shot. For audio all I have is my Rode microphone that attaches to my camera. It’s a pretty decent microphone but there are definitely better ones out there. 

For editing I would be using Adobe premier pro CC. With my TV production background I feel very comfortable with this software. 

The end 


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

I decided to make a quick storyboard...

I decided to make a quick storyboard of what I envision my final product to look like.  

If you can't tell the shots on the left are all quick pans.  That is how I plan to transition the AA meetings from the flashback stories. Obviously there will be more shots then just the ones on the storyboard but I just wanted to sketch something out. 

My entire film relsy heavily on dialogue and jokes to keep the viewer watching so in a future blog I will write down my script. 

The End 


Saturday, March 24, 2018

To better understand my topic...

To better understand my topic I wanted to do a little research about short term memory loss.  

When a person experiences short-term memory loss, he or she can remember incidents from 20 years ago but is fuzzy on the details of things that happened 20 minutes prior.  There are a number of causes of short-term memory loss, some which are a result of medical conditions and others that are related to injuries or other outside influences.

For my film I don't think it matters how they get short term because it would add or take away from the film itself.

The End

-ES :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

So I changed my idea...

So I changed my idea.  This is probably for the better the feedback I was given was almost all negative. 

Anyway, my new idea is a comedy based film about 3 best friends with short term memory loss. 

I came up with this idea when I was walking around disney land with my brother and a friend.  We had this rule of three thing going so we always had to stick in groups of three or we would get in trouble. At random times during that day me and my brother would scream “we don't know you” and run in different direction leaving our friend confused and running after us.  That’s basically it.  It was funny in the moment. 

Okay so it would start will a AA meeting type thing where the parents of the kids would talk about there kids.  I want to split up my time with three different stories from all three of the parents.  The content in these stories are to be determined.  At the end the entire film takes a twist.  As the parents walk out we see a sign saying.  AA meeting for parents with short term memory loss and the kids of the parents come and pick them up.  So at the end its the parents with short term memory loss not the kids. 

The End 

-ES  :)

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Post car stuffs...

Post car stuffs 

For my postcard I will be using Photoshop.  Coming for a TV production background I am comfortable using this software so learning wont be a issue. 

For the design I decided to stick with one picture with the title strategical placed.  I looked at other post card, like the ones on the bottom, and they both have a very simplistic look to them. The one picture would have to catch the holders attention but not give away the entire film.  They also have all of there nominations and awards written on it to make it look amazing so ill probably make up some smart sounding awards and place them all over my post card so that it can catch someones eyes as it is getting handed around.  

More to come.


Saturday, March 10, 2018

I am leaving for a week...

I am leaving for a week.  

This entire week I will be going away to Nashville, Tennessee for STN (Student Television Network) Competition. 
I thought about how this will effect my schedule so Decided that since I can film anything over there because my actors are in florida I will get everything there that filling out of the way on the plane and during down time on the trip. 

More to come 


Friday, March 9, 2018

So I missed my class group discussions...

So I missed my class group discussions.  I woke up all prepared that day to get criticism from my classmate but I also woke up really sick. I spare you with those details. I didn't want to finalize anything without getting a lot of advice on my idea so everything is still as it was.  My schedule is going to have to be pushed back a little and the time to edit and the CCR will have to be rushed a little but I'm still confident I will make a pretty good short film. 

More to come


Sunday, March 4, 2018


So I think I decided on my topic.  It may need a little tuning up but here is a quick run through. 

It starts out as a first date.  The two people on the date know nothing about each other and we the viewer know nothing about either of them.  They eat dinner. They order some drinks. They go for a walk back the his place.  They scroll threw Netflix to find a movie and at the end he kills her. It ends with him cleaning up the mess and going back to the restaurant to do it all over again with another girl. 

Just with that information your probably like, “That is dumb”  but let me explain.  The guy is supposed to be a vampire.  On the date he orders a steak extra rare, he orders a bloody marry to drink, he uses an umbrella to walk outside with, and on his recently watched he watch all vampire movies.  Im trying to foreshadow the murder that happens at the end with all of the vampire hints through out the film. 

Thats basically all 

The end :)   -ES

Saturday, March 3, 2018

My Schedule

So the final project is due on 4/14/18.  That being said I feel like I need to plan out everything so I can stay on track and not rush everything to the last minute. This week is all about finding out my topic.  Next blog I will have my final idea. 

The week of 3/5 - 3/11 I want to do all the research needed on the topic I choose completed.

The week of 2/12 - 3/18 I want to have a completed storyboard, list of actors/actresses, all props needed, and locations all figured out.

The week of 3/19 - 3/25 I want to get most if not all filming done so that on spring break I can do all the editing, create my website, etc. 

The week of 3/26 - 4/1 I want to have a ruff cut of my video, website, and card done so I can show people and get feedback so I still have time to make needed changes. 

The week of 4/2 - 4/8 Make any necessary changes and hopefully finish so I can focus on my CCR which wasn't my strongest part of my AS project let year. 

The week of 4/9 - 4/14 Turn in my project and get a A (hopefully)

This is my schedule. Ill try to stay on track. 

The end :)  -ES

Thursday, March 1, 2018

What's popping England

Hi i'm Ethan. This year I have to make a short film.  On Ethan's Incredible Blog you will get the behind the sense of the my short film.  I've had a couple ideas of what I wanted to do but at the moment everything is TBD (To Be Determined). 

Idea 1: Mockumentary  
Idea 2: Love Story themed
Idea 3: Horror Story themed 

Let me know in the comments what you guys/girls/others think!!